hello. December!♥

1:54 AM

you better watch out. you better not cry. you better not pout. I'm telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town. Santa Claus is coming to town. Santa Claus is coming. Santa Claus is coming. Santa Claus is coming to town.♥♥ haha. it's already December!! how time flies, isn't it? and soon it will be 2014.

Christmas is NEAR. people started to decorate their house with Christmas tree, lights, and Christmas decorations. it wasn't a great day. you know what? I have to take the final exam before HOLIDAY! so, I must study for the exam before I can enjoy my holiday. haha~ but, I don't think about it too much. because, it gonna passed anyway^^.

 oh, yeah.. did you already prepare for you vacation this holiday? or what will you do? and what do you want for this Christmas? I don't want anything else, I just want him

dear December,
please make my wishes come true! ha ha :')



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  1. Hey hey, Happy new year Michelle xD hope you have a great new year , new year, new you xD Lets find another happiness this year , a better happiness then 2013 one, XD goo !!

    1. Haha, happy new year too! sorry for late replying. ^^ ;)
